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Targeted Body Treatments

Body contouring or body shaping allows you to remove fat, sculpt areas of the body, and tighten the skin. Lipolysis is a non-surgical method that uses cold air, heat, lasers, and other methods. Surgical options include tucks, lifts, and liposuction. Surgery carries higher risks and requires a longer recovery, but usually has more noticeable results. This consists of the following steps: 

  • Remove excess skin
  •  Remove excess fat
  •  Reshapes or contours an area

Body contouring can target most body areas, including arms, back, stomach, flanks (love handles), buttocks, neck and chin, and thighs.

Use electrical muscle stimulation to treat pain and heal damaged, weak, or diseased muscles. The electric current improves blood circulation and stimulates muscle fibers and nerves. EMS helps muscles respond to natural contraction signals. Electrical muscle stimulation also has other uses, such as weight loss aids and physical therapy aids.

Improve the stretch marks by LASER, micro-needling, and MESOTHERAPY, naturally triggering healthy, smooth, new tissue growth. Stretch marks are known to be one of the most severe skin symptoms. The appearance of stretch marks may vary depending on the pregnancy, weight gain, and hormonal changes. The best option to eliminate the symptoms of unwanted traction is these non-surgical treatments that will be applied separately or combined in different cases, eliminate stretch marks, and naturally promote healthy and new tissue growth, including collagen. After each treatment, subtle yet consistent results are expected without unwanted side effects or excessive skin irritation.

Spider veins are small, dilated blood vessels that appear near the skin’s surface and are sometimes referred to by their technical name, including telangiectasia. Varicose veins and spider veins affect more than 50% of the population. Due to hormonal factors, it is three times more common in women than men. Although spider veins are common and usually harmless, they can also irritate, embarrass, and negatively impact self-confidence. Lifestyle changes and compression stockings are typically the first line of defense against these enlarged, visible vessels. Laser vein treatments are the modern procedures to eradicate visible spider veins. Laser treatment for spider veins is a quick, effective, and noninvasive procedure that uses a focused laser beam to heat and destroy affected veins. When laser energy is applied to the treatment area, it targets the pigment in the blood and warms the vessel without damaging the skin or surrounding tissues. Usually, after 4-6 weeks, the vein is reabsorbed by the body and spider veins, and their treatment’s scar disappears.

A double chin is caused by the fullness of excess fat and occurs when a layer of fat accumulates under your chin due to excess weight. The term “turkey neck” describes wrinkled and sagging skin on the neck that occurs when the neck muscles have weakened due to aging. If you are looking for a way to get rid of your double chin, Kybella is an injectable drug that permanently destroys fat cells to reduce the fullness under the chin visibly. Meanwhile, there are several approaches to treating turkey neck. Radiofrequency devices such as Lutronic Genius micro-needling or Sublative Rejuvenation can offer some skin-tightening benefits.