Flashy Skin & Diffuse Redness

Treatment for Flashy Skin and Diffuse Redness
Diffuse redness commonly affects the cheeks and nose and is characterized by a consistent distribution of redness across the skin. This condition can be caused by various factors, including flushing, skin warmth, fever, or stress, all of which can lead to the skin turning red. Usually, the redness subsides on its own. However, if the redness is persistent, it may be considered cosmetically unappealing by some.
Treatments for diffuse redness can be effectively carried out with the aid of modern, high-quality technologies, such as:

GentleMax Pro

GentleMax Pro dual wavelength laser platform combines two distinct laser sources—a 755 nm Alexandrite laser and a 1064 nm Nd: YAG laser—into one delivery system.
With each pulse, a certain quantity of therapeutic energy—Alexandrite, Nd: YAG, or both—is optically mixed and supplied to the target tissues in a controlled amount.
Target chromophores, such as hemoglobin or melanin, preferentially absorb thermal energy to destroy vascular and pigmented lesions in target tissues. Fibroblast cell proliferation is stimulated by thermal impact for increased collagen formation in target tissues.
For improved patient tolerance, a cryogen cooling system is incorporated.

Venus Versa

Venus Versa, a multi-therapy platform, aids with diffuse redness by using intense pulse light technology to reduce redness.

Frequently Asked Questions

Dilated capillaries increase blood flow to the skin’s surface, resulting in diffuse redness, a condition that gives the face—especially the cheeks and nose—a flushed, red, or inflammatory appearance.