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An Insight into Laser Hair Treatment for Successful Removal of Unwanted Hair

Laser hair treatment is undoubtedly the most cost-effective solution for eliminating unwanted body hair. Laser treatment can make your body hair disappear in no time from areas such as upper lips, underarms, and more.

An upside to the laser treatment is that it is a painless hair removal solution, unlike waxing and other hair removal methods.

What causes unwanted/ingrown hair?

One of the most common reasons for male back hair growth is genetic. This could also result from high testosterone (male hormone) levels in some men, as it encourages body hair growth.

Back hair predominantly affects men more than women, but there isn’t any reason to think women do not struggle with back hair growth syndrome. The primary cause of back hair growth in women is hormonal anomalies such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), adrenal gland disorder, and endogenous Cushing syndrome.

Apart from these, a condition called hypertrichosis can also affect both men and women and cause excess/unwanted hair growth.

Why Choose Laser Hair Treatment

Of course, razors, creams, and wax can remove unwanted back hair, but it is an ongoing and never-ending process that requires constant maintenance. This is because these hair removal techniques do not treat the root cause of the disorder, whereas Laser Hair Treatment can provide 70-95% relief from ingrown hair on any part of the body. In this section, let’s discuss briefly why you should choose Laser Hair treatment over other temporary hair removal techniques.

Laser Hair Removal Treatment does not take long to produce results; it only takes a few minutes to an hour to eliminate ingrown hair on any part of the body. For instance, a 20 minutes Laser Treatment session is sufficient to eliminate ingrown hair from underarms and bikini areas, and an hour session can treat unwanted hair in arms and leg areas. If you do not wish to spend all day in saloons or spas, Contact or Visit All Beauty Clinic & Spa for Laser Hair removal.

Laser Hair Treatment also saves you a lot of money spent on razors, shaving creams, and waxing sessions as it offers a longer-lasting ingrown hair removal solution and eliminates the need for the aforementioned temporary hair removal methods. Moreover, the cost of Laser hair removal has gone down, whereas the cost of waxing has gone up, making Laser Treatment a wiser choice.

Laser Hair Treatment can also help folks with sensitive skin and skin irritation who suffer from conventional hair removal methods such as waxing or shaving.

Also, Laser hair removal does not restrict you from shaving between Laser treatment sessions, unlike other hair removal techniques like waxing.

How does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Laser beams discharge light at a certain wavelength directed toward the pigments of hair follicles without harming the skin. This light is transformed into heat energy restricting hair follicles from growing unwanted hair.

Number of Laser Hair Removal sessions you require

Usually, you would only need 3-4 sessions to get a complete resolution to your ingrown hairs. But sometimes, one needs 6-8 sessions depending on their skin type.

How can you prepare for Laser Hair Treatment?

Before your Laser Treatment, we recommend you consult your doctor to ensure that you are healthy and can undergo the treatment. Apart from that, we recommend you do not wax or pluck 6 weeks before the treatment. Waxing and plucking temporarily remove the roots of the hair, which leaves Lasers redundant, as they target the same to treat ingrown hair problems.   

Post-treatment, your skin might look and feel sunburned for a day or two; we recommend applying moisturizers to the affected area. In a month, you will notice that the treated hairs will disappear, and we recommend you use sunscreens in the following month, post-treatment.

Wrapping up

Laser Hair Removal is a time-saving and cost-effect hair removal solution for all, irrespective of gender or age. It has an unprecedented success rate in permanently eliminating unwanted hair growth compared to other hair removal techniques.

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To know more about Laser Hair Treatment or avail of one, connect with expert beauticians at All Beauty Laser Clinic & Spa and Schedule an Appointment Today!